Friday, November 27, 2009

Another 23 hour day :)

Well lots has happened since I was on here and I don't remember most of it! Most notable I was able to go to one of our over watch positions and see the entire AO(Area of Operations). AMAZING view. About 9,000 feet up and you can see 50 miles where there are no mountains. I took lots of pictures and a couple of videos.

CBS is now with us so watch the news! Maybe you will see me! I doubt it though. I am also going to be put back with the mortars section as opposed to being attatched. My billet(job) is a good one too so im not terribly sad about going back. Also the crazy crazy hours will go away. The mortars section does not stand post and only does trash detail for working parties. There are some exceptions, but they are minimal.

We have been doing alot of training believe it or not (IT NEVER ENDS) . Training at night with all our nvg's(night vision) and lasers. All highspeed and stuff. Its fun, but man the sleep loss.

As a Marine I find that my training and all the indoctrination into the Corps gives me a sense of a sort of invincibility. Sort of a pull yourself up by your own boot straps sort of a thing. We are always being told to push push push. Beyond limits. Constantly. Recently though God has given me an very strong sense of how vulnerable we really are; and how without him, we really can do nothing. I have found great comfort recently knowing that this is all in Gods hands. Every round fired, from iether side is not without his guidance. Its an amazing thing to have to put your entire trust in him, not just have him as a part of your life, but really live for him. To try (and fail sometimes) to trust completely in your faith. Its been hard; but rewarding.

Well till next time folks.

God bless.



  1. Great post! Hope you are staying motivated (haha... you Marines love that word, don't you? :-) and keeping encouraged. Good work!

  2. Hey Jordan,

    Thanks for posting. I hope I can keep up with your tour there. Sounds like you are in the middle of it. I pray the Lord's protecting care for you. And, yes, hope you are able to stay motivated!

  3. Hey, haven't heard any news in a while. How are you doing? You're over the hump now, right???!

  4. I hope I can keep up with your tour there. Sounds like you are in the middle of it. I pray the Lord 's protecting care for you.
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